Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Day 7 - Prince Rupert to (at sea)

Got up early this morning. The ferry leaves at 11:30am and we're supposed to be there 3 hours early. We want to get breakfast first. We actually arrive at about 7:45 and begin the wait. After waiting we waited more. We talked to lots of people who were also waiting. We waited together. We waited in circles. We waited in groups. The bugs started to eat us. We waited more.

We met some interesting people. First person to come up and say hi was a guy who was driving his 1965 Corvette to all 49 capitals for their 40th anniversary. It took me a little while to figure this out. When he first told me of his trip he said something like "we decided for our 40th anniversary we would do all 49 state capitals". Naturally I assumed there would be a wife sitting in the Corvette. I peek forward and look. No other person. Hmmmm. It become apparent this guy is a Corvette fan. Just came from Florida via a San Diego Corvette show and and was on his way to Juneau. (If I ever start using the pronoun "we" to refer to me and a car hit me with something very hard!)

Met a couple of Germans who are touring the states. One explained the BMW logo to us. The blue and white are colors of the Bavarian flag and are for the colors of the sky and the clouds.

Met a guy from east Texas that was a lot of fun. He and Don had a lot of fun talking about hunting and such. Most important thing we learned though came about when some seagulls flew nearby. Walt made some comment like "flying rats". Our Texan friend said something like "you know about Alka-Seltzer and them right?". We didn't. So he told us that down where he lives a favorite event is to take some Alka-Seltzer and feed it to the seagulls. Seems they have no way to release the gas....

The story we got from the guys that load the ferry is that this was the first time they had ever had so many big vehicles and so few small vehicles Then or so motor coaches, a bus, lots of 5th wheels, trailers, cab over campers, a huge highway-sized snow plow, three or four cars and three motorcycles.

We finally got onto the ship about noon so I figured we were late in our departure. Wrong! Once we get onto the ship we change time zones to Alaska time by moving the clock back one hour. We're back on schedule.

Now we wait. Eat. Wait. Read. Wait. Eat. Sleep. Wait. Eat.


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