Day 1 - Sunnyvale, CA to Crescent City, CA

Well, we started out at 7:03AM just as we had hoped. The worst traffic we'll hit on the trip we probably hit today. Going up 19th Avenue to the Golden Gate bridge. We got through it with no problems - just a bit crowded. Once we got across it felt like we were on our way and leaving the crowd behind.
101 is a very nice ride. I was surprised by Ukiah. It reminds me of the hills behind Stanford but covered with vineyards. Once we hit Willits we started hitting redwoods and lots of gusty cross winds.
We stopped for lunch at Samoa Cookhouse. A historic meal club(?) that was for lumberjacks and is now open to the public. It's and all you can eat place served family style. We had chicken noodle soup, bread, salad, beans, peas, chicken cattchitore, and desert.
The ride from Eureka to Crescent City is very nice. Some parts of the highway are right at the edge of the ocean. No pictures, we'll have to make that a priority from now on.
Camping tonight is at a KOA. Looks like an ewok village from Starwars. We're in a redwood grove. Dinner tonight is just coffee and a sandwich at a coffee shop. (This is where the blog is being updated from. Yeah for free wireless!)
It'll be an early night and off again as soon as we're up. probably early......
Strangest sign: Adopt-a-Highway by Humboldt County Pagan Network (are there druids up here?)
Unexpected signs: Elk crossings (didn't see any, didn't know there were any in California)
Cheesy tourist places. Bigfoot Landing with a redwood status of bigfoot, Curious Hill, Mystery Trees, and such.
Things to come back for: Redwood grooves, seashore.
Biggest mistake: John spilled a cup of tea at the coffee house on Don. Testing his riding gear!
Yes there are elk in CA. Some some a couple of years ago. Were going up a curvy hill and there they were right in the middle of the road.
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